What Doesn’t Kill You…
What impacts near-death experiences have on people/characters, writing characters who respond to such events in realistic fashions. What a near-miss looks like and how it can change people for the better (or worse).
April 19-21 in Raleigh-Durham, NC RESERVE ROOM
April 19-21 in Raleigh-Durham, NC RESERVE ROOM
What impacts near-death experiences have on people/characters, writing characters who respond to such events in realistic fashions. What a near-miss looks like and how it can change people for the better (or worse).
In the world of adaptation, it is almost an axiom that the “book was better.” We’ve all heard it. We are sick of hearing it. But is it true? Is there a movie that is better than the book? Is there a movie that is better than the original comic? Join our panel of authors…
In the world of pets, there are two animals that have always and will always go forth with humanity, the dog and the cat. This panel is about the ubiquitous, selfish, silent, perfect hunters that are the felines. Let’s talks cats in fiction, from the Depik assassins to the Treecats of Sphinx and let’s throw…
The Third Space is the social space that is separate from home (“first space”) and work (“second space”). It is a social commons where individuals from many different backgrounds can come together. As older physical commons, such as shopping malls disappear, and the digital commons are algorithmically fenced into ideological bubbles, can fandom be a…
The US Government admitted UAP are not only real, but that they frequently entered the airspace above Navy ships and land-based facilities. Given this admission, how might authors adjust their writing around aliens, human first contact, and science fiction in general? Come enjoy discussing the amazing possibilities with our panel of authors!
So, how do you take care of an author? Do they need to fed and watered occasionally like plants? Can they be left alone like a cat? Or do they need constant attention like a dog? Is it okay to think of them as a pet or a child?
In this Panel, we will remember the works and influence of Eric Flint, who passed away a few years ago. As well as creating the 1632-verse, Eric worked with the SuperStars of Writing and the Crown of Slaves series. Come see his compatriots discuss the man and his projects, and hear about the future of…
No Science Fiction Convention is complete without a Star Wars panel. Let’s talk about the old Star Wars Expanded Universe. Do you remember Kyle Katarn and Kyp Durron? What did you think of the Yuuzhan Vong? Do you remember when Luke got married? Let’s remember some good times. Come join us!
Are you a writer looking for opportunities? Sometimes an idea is too big for one author. This leads to collaboration. Whether it is co-authoring a book like Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson writing the new Dune books, or working together on a shared universe like the 4HU, collaboration is part of picture. Our panel…
Come and join us for The Hat! The Hat contains topics and questions. Our panelists will do their best to respond to those topics and questions. Possible topics: Star Wars vs Star Trek, Is a Battlestar any good, Favorite X File, The Doctor, Who farted?