
Military Advances in 1632: Not Just Hitting Replay

These are not your ancestors’ armed forces.  You can’t make everything thought of between now and then.  You can make *that*, but you probably shouldn’t. Nobody here cares about your sacred organizational principles.  On the other hand, put “good enough for now” together with people who have actual battlefield experience and knowledge of alternate events…


Assiti Shards: Connecting Cadets, a Big Rig, and a Cruise Ship

This is an umbrella concept that includes the 1632verse, “Time Spike”, “The Alexander Inheritance” (Special Guest Gorg Huff), “The Crossing” (Special Guest Kevin Ikenberry), and “An Angel Called Peterbilt” (special Guest Gorg Huff). The panel will discuss the Assiti Shards in general and each of these shards specifically.


Clothing, Fashion, & Cosplay in Alternate History

Cosplay is an integral part of many fandoms, but it doesn’t seem like it’s done a lot in alternate history properties. Why is that? Also, what changes does alternate history tend to make in fashion, most specifically (but not solely) in the 1632verse.  What ideas do you have for alternate history and 1632verse cosplay? Hopefully…